7. Visualization

7.1. Background

GridPath constains a Visualization package that helps user visualize some of the inputs and outputs of the model. The package uses the Bokeh interactive plotting library and is located in the ./viz folder. The plotting data is pulled directly from the GridPath database, so users need a functioning database to use this package.

The plotting package consists of a set of plotting scripts that can be called either from the command line or through the GridPath User Interface. For instance, to obtain a plot that shows the total installed capacity across modeling periods for a certain scenario you would navigate to the ./viz folder and run the following:

python capacity_total_plot.py --scenario test --load_zone CAISO --show

The next section provides a brief description of each plotting script and its arguments. As GridPath evolves we expect the list of visualizations to grow.

7.2. Plotting scripts


Generally capacity expansion problems will have only one subproblem/ stage. If not specified, the plotting module assumes the subproblem and stage are equal to 1, which is the default if there’s only one subproblem/stage.

7.2.1. gridpath.viz.capacity_factor_plot

Make plot of capacity factor by period and project for a specified scenario/stage.

usage: capacity_factor_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                               [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                               [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                               [--show] [--return_json]
                               [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                               [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                               [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM] [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.2. gridpath.viz.capacity_new_plot

Create plot of new capacity by period and technology for a given scenario/zone/subproblem/stage.

usage: capacity_new_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                            [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                            [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                            [--show] [--return_json]
                            [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID] [--scenario SCENARIO]
                            --load_zone LOAD_ZONE [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM]
                            [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.3. gridpath.viz.capacity_retired_plot

Create plot of retired capacity by period and technology for a given scenario/zone/subproblem/stage.

usage: capacity_retired_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                                [--show] [--return_json]
                                [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                                [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                                [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM] [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.4. gridpath.viz.capacity_total_plot

Create plot of total capacity by period and technology for a given scenario/zone/subproblem/stage.

usage: capacity_total_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                              [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                              [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                              [--show] [--return_json]
                              [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                              [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                              [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM] [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.5. gridpath.viz.capacity_total_loadzone_comparison_plot

Create plot of total capacity by load zone and technology for a given scenario/period/subproblem/stage.

usage: capacity_total_loadzone_comparison_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                                  [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                                  [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                                                  [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                                                  [--scenario SCENARIO]
                                                  --period PERIOD
                                                  [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM]
                                                  [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.6. gridpath.viz.capacity_total_scenario_comparison_plot

Create plot of total capacity by scenario and technology for a given period/zone/subproblem/stage. TODO: remove this and allow capacity_total to specify multiple scenarios?

usage: capacity_total_scenario_comparison_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                                  [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                                  [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                                                  [--return_json] --period
                                                  PERIOD --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                                                  [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM]
                                                  [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The selected modeling period. Required.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.7. gridpath.viz.carbon_plot

Create plot of carbon emissions by period for a given zone/subproblem/stage.

usage: carbon_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                      [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                      [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                      [--return_json] [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                      [--scenario SCENARIO] --carbon_cap_zone CARBON_CAP_ZONE
                      [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM] [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the carbon cap zone. Required


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.8. gridpath.viz.energy_target_plot

Create plot of energy_target by period for a given zone/subproblem/stage.

usage: energy_target_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                             [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                             [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                             [--show] [--return_json]
                             [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID] [--scenario SCENARIO]
                             --energy_target_zone ENERGY_TARGET_ZONE
                             [--subproblem SUBPROBLEM] [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the RPS zone. Required


The subproblem ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.9. gridpath.viz.cost_plot

Make plot of costs by period for a certain scenario/zone/stage

usage: cost_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                    [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                    [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                    [--return_json] [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                    [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                    [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.10. gridpath.viz.dispatch_plot

Make results dispatch plot for a specified zone/stage/set of timepoints

usage: dispatch_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                        [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                        [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                        [--return_json] [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                        [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone LOAD_ZONE
                        [--starting_tmp STARTING_TMP]
                        [--ending_tmp ENDING_TMP] [--stage STAGE]
                        [--weather_iteration WEATHER_ITERATION]
                        [--hydro_iteration HYDRO_ITERATION]
                        [--availability_iteration AVAILABILITY_ITERATION]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The starting timepoint. Defaults to None (first timepoint)


The ending timepoint. Defaults to None (last timepoint)


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


Defaults to 0.

Default: 0


Defaults to 0.

Default: 0


Defaults to 0.

Default: 0

7.2.11. gridpath.viz.energy_plot

Make plot of energy by period and technology for a specified zone/stage

usage: energy_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                      [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                      [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                      [--return_json] [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                      [--scenario SCENARIO] [--load_zone LOAD_ZONE]
                      [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.12. gridpath.viz.curtailment_hydro_heatmap_plot

Create plot of scheduled curtailment heatmap (by month and hour)

usage: curtailment_hydro_heatmap_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                         [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                         [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                                         [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                                         [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone
                                         LOAD_ZONE --period PERIOD
                                         [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The desired modeling period to plot. Required.


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.13. gridpath.viz.curtailment_variable_heatmap_plot

Create plot of scheduled curtailment heatmap (by month and hour)

usage: curtailment_variable_heatmap_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                            [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                            [--ylimit YLIMIT] [--show]
                                            [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                                            [--scenario SCENARIO] --load_zone
                                            LOAD_ZONE --period PERIOD
                                            [--stage STAGE]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the load zone. Required.


The desired modeling period to plot. Required.


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1

7.2.14. gridpath.viz.project_operations_plot

Make plot of project operations by timepoint a specified project/period/stage. Assumes project is of the type “capacity commit”

Note: either there are no hovertools on step function (Bokeh issue #7419) and working hovertools on stacked bar chart, or we can go continuous but then the hovertool doesn’t work for the stacked areas (#9182)

usage: project_operations_plot.py [-h] [--database DATABASE]
                                  [--plot_write_directory PLOT_WRITE_DIRECTORY]
                                  [--scenario_name_in_title] [--ylimit YLIMIT]
                                  [--show] [--return_json]
                                  [--scenario_id SCENARIO_ID]
                                  [--scenario SCENARIO] --project PROJECT
                                  --period PERIOD [--stage STAGE]
                                  [--horizon_start HORIZON_START]
                                  [--horizon_end HORIZON_END]

Named Arguments


The database file path relative to the current working directory. Defaults to ../db/io.db


The path to the base directory in which to save the plot html file. Note: the file will be saved in a subfolder of this base directory, generally ‘scenario_name/results/figures’

Default: “../scenarios”


Include the scenario name in the plot title.

Default: False


Set y-axis limit.


Show figure and save html file

Default: False


Return plot as a json file.

Default: False


The scenario ID. Required if no –scenario is specified.


The scenario name. Required if no –scenario_id is specified.


The name of the project. Required


The desired modeling period. Required


The stage ID. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


The desired starting horizon. Assumes horizonsare a set of increasing numbers. Optional


The desired ending horizon. Assumes horizons area set of increasing numbers. Optional